Lightning Application Fields



Solar Cells
Lightning Application Fields



Solar Cells
300 kV/cm @ RT and 900 °C
Simultaneous Heating & Biasing
0.6 Å
300 kV/cm @ RT and 900 °C
Simultaneous Heating & Biasing
0.6 Å
Sample preparation with conventional techniques
The sample preparation techniques used for preparing traditional TEM samples including lamellas, nanowires and particles are suitable for the Nano-Chip. FIB lamellas are the most commonly used sample for biasing experiments and DENSsolutions in conjunction with some close academic partners have developed a unique FIB workflow using a customised FIB stub specifically designed for the Nano-Chip. This process significantly reduces the total workflow time and makes the success in transfer much higher. Additional methods such as micro-manipulators are suitable for sample preparation onto the Nano-Chip.
Customer Publications
Customer Testimonials
“The ability to apply high electric-fields and to simultaneously perform high-resolution experiments at elevated temperatures is frankly impressive! The new and exciting possibilities that the DENSsolutions Lighting series offers trailblazing new directions at the forefront of materials research.”
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the size of sample recommended for biasing experiments?
The sample size depends on the type of experiment to be executed. For 4 point probe measurement approach, where all four biasing electrodes need to be bridged, the required sample length is 10-15 microns. In the situation where only two inner electrodes are involved in the experiment (for example, E-field application), the sample size is can be in the order of 4 microns.
What preparation methods other than FIB could be usable for biasing experiments?
FIB is very important in transferring materials for biasing experiments, especially for lamella’s as it’s the most commonly used method. While for 1D materials (e.g. nanowires) and 2D materials (graphene), the transfer method can vary dependent on what tools you have ava
ilable such as a micro-manipulator.
What is the homogeneity of the electrical field?
All of our designs show that the uniformity of the electric field is as high as 99%.
What TEM pole-pieces are compatible?
Due to the variety of pole-pieces available for both the JEOL and FEI microscopes, please see the brochure for confirmation. However, the Lightning series is compatible with the smallest pole-pieces found in the JEOL UHR (e.g. ARM) and the FEI Supertwin (e.g. Titan).
What really sets the 50V / 100V limit?
Two reasons:
- To avoid the electric failure between connection pins in the vacuum. (Electric sparks)
- To avoid breakdown of SiNx at high electric field (the limit is lower at elevated temperature).
Be aware, the specified voltage is not the breakdown voltage of our system, but in fact to ensure a low leakage current. Therefore, in reality one could go much higher than the specified numbers if the experimental details allow.
Can my sample survive the electrical loading induced?
Yes. For common samples, such as lamella’s, metallic nanowires, etc., these samples have proved to be safe during loading without any special care needed. As for sensitive semiconducting nanodevices, grounding connections through source measuring unit / power supply (e.g. Keithley) are needed to make sure there is no static voltage drop over nanodevices, therefore, preventing any damage of high current to the sample.
Download the Lightning Brochure
For more information on features and specifications.
Application Notes

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