DENSsolutions Team
DENSsolutions Team

Changing the world, one atom at a time

Changing the world
one atom at a time

It is widely accepted that nanotechnology is essential to solve many of the global challenges which human society is facing today. These modern day challenges, influenced by a growing population size, increased energy demand and climate change are factors which push scientists to solve macro problems, starting from the bottom-up!

As scientists, we strive to understand materials down to the atomic level, and the TEM has proved itself to be a powerful tool to capture important nanostructural information. However, the TEM imposes a limitation by means of static sample environments and high vacuum pressures. This limits the ability of researchers to fully investigate real-world phenomena and achieve breakthrough science.

What if there were a way to look into the nano-world and observe dynamic phenomena related to materials in chemical reactors, aeroplane engines or solar panels? The answer is in situ TEM. Using the latest in MEMS technology, we have engineered this into a reality by introducing dynamic stimuli to the TEM and crossing the pressure gap. With the help of our range of in situ TEM solutions for heating, biasing, gas & liquid, you can record the evolutionary dynamics of your sample and understand the unknown.

Change the world, one atom at a time!